Free data tool gets bigger and better
31st March 2023
Understanding statistics about north east and south east London just got easier and more comprehensive. Relaunched this week, the Local London data warehouse has been…
31st March 2023
Understanding statistics about north east and south east London just got easier and more comprehensive. Relaunched this week, the Local London data warehouse has been…
29th March 2023
This month through our Integration Hub, we began training 20 advisers who work across all nine of our member boroughs to support residents with…
29th March 2023
As part of our work to develop the Local London sub-region’s Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), we hosted a workshop with local employers, education…
23rd February 2023
Working with Maximus, our delivery partners the Local London’s Work and Health Programme has helped over 6,000 people in our boroughs to find work since…
22nd February 2023
Representing around 99% of all businesses in the sub-region, SME’s have a huge impact on our borough’s economic and employment prosperity. Launched in 2021, our…