Local London > What we do > Programmes > Work and health programme

Work and health programme

The Local London Work and Health Programme provides support to people who are far away from the job market.

  • Over 20,000
    local residents helped into work through our employment programmes.

The Local London Work and Health Programme has helped thousands of local people get into work. Our longest-running employment programme, it provides up to 21 months support for people who have been unemployed for 24 months or more or have long-term health conditions and/or disabilities.

Helping residents to gain and retain employment, the programme is delivered by Maximus UK on behalf of Local London across our boroughs. Nationally, 80% of Work and Health participants have disabilities, but that figure is 84% in Local London.

A significant proportion of participants would be unlikely to find work without the support of the programme, so it can be totally life-changing for participants.

How we are helping more people get the support they need

During the pandemic we adapted to on-line and phone delivery and managed to keep the programme on track and supported people throughout. The programme is currently being delivered remotely and face to face, depending on the needs of participants.

Working closely with Maximus we are ensuring more of the right people and getting the support they need. As well as driving up performance, we are connecting Maximus with local authority job brokerages and services and job centres, to hold jobs fairs where local residents on our programmes and other job seekers can meet employers with live jobs and advance their job searches.

⇒ Discover how we are driving up performance.

⇒ Read about our successful jobs fair in Redbridge and recruitment day in Enfield.

Photos from the Enfield Recruitment Day showing a resident smiling holding a banner saying 'I got an interview' as well as leaflets on the Warburton's stand, and employers from Wates construction, Rooff and local construction academy speaking to Enfield residents.

What people say

“I was really struggling with my current situation and needed to work. I’m now working Monday to Friday and starting to build a good life for myself”. Leon.

“I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety, going on the Work and Health Programme was a massive step for me…I have developed a much more positive outlook on life and am following my dreams! Remember you can be anything you want with the correct support, and I would 100% recommend Maximus and the Work and Health Programme!” Heather.

⇒ Find out how the programme helped Heather follow her career dreams.

Find out more about our Work and Health Programme

Visit whp.maximusuk.co.uk/london.

Read our latest news about the Work and Health Programme.

How the programme is funded

The national Work and Health Programme is funded by The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) as part of contracted additional employment support.

Discover our other employment support

Our employment programmes have helped over 20,000 local people find work, many of whom were furthest from the job market and facing barriers to entering employment.

⇒ Local London Work and Health Pioneer Support

⇒ Local London Works

⇒ Local London Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) – ended March 2023.

Partner logos: Local London, DWP, Maximus UK

Further reading

  1. Previous Connect to Work
  2. Next Work and Health Programme Pioneer