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Our Work and Health Programme helps over 20,000 people

The Local London Work and Health Programme has supported over 20,000 people across our nine boroughs, including many who were a long way from the job market to get more work ready and find sustainable jobs they enjoy.

Through the programme, Maximus UK provide tailored employability support, skills training, as well as health and well-being support to enable people to progress on their journeys back into employment, or into work for the first time.

Launched in 2016, funded by the Department for Work and Pensions, and the European Social Fund (2016 – 2023), Maximus can take referrals from Job Centre Plus and from external referral organisations to enable people living in our nine boroughs who are unemployed, or have long-term health conditions and/or disabilities to access the programme.

Contact Maximus to find out more: whp.maximusuk.co.uk/london.

Hear how the Work and Health Programme is helping Shirley

One of the thousands of people we have helped through the programme is Shirley. Shirley spoke to us about her experience on the programme and how the team at Maximus is helping her. Watch the video below to hear her story, or read it below.

⇒Watch Shirley’s Interview

Read Shirley’s story

Shirley: “I’m Shirley Beard and I’m 59 years old.”

Interviewer: Can you tell us about the programme?

Shirley: “Well it’s a work programme getting [people] into work or training sessions or that sort of thing.”

Interviewer: What do you do in the programme?

Shirley: “At the moment I’m doing a workshop and an exercise class every week.”

Interviewer: How has it helped you, Shirley?

Shirley: “It’s helped me a lot, getting out of myself and out of my shell, and working with the work programme and them trying to get me into work, and I am very happy being on that course. And I’ve started walking a lot more now. The exercise classes have helped me. They are a lot of help.”

Interviewer: How has it been most beneficial to you?

Shirley: “It has brought all my health problems down a bit more and that’s one thing I do love about Maximus.”

Interviewer: Anything else to add?

Shirley: “I want to say thank you very much for helping me to get me where I am now.”

Find out more

Discover the Local London Work and Health programme funded by the DWP.

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