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Local London report sets the bar for employment advice locally 

Local London’s Integration Hub has published the findings of its interviews and listening exercises with employment advisors from across the sub-region.

Produced by independent think-tank, Localis, the report highlights key findings from conversations with frontline staff involved in helping people find work or training opportunities.

Cover of the report showing woman talking to someone out of the picture.

⇒ Read the Listening Exercise Report

The findings have laid the foundation for the team’s approach to improving access and inclusivity of employment and skills services in the sub-region, as part of the No Wrong Door (NWD) programme, commissioned by the Greater London Authority (GLA).

With an emphasis on discovering the needs, barriers and aspirations of frontline staff, the research has informed the direction of travel for the Local London Integration Hub.

This includes the development of a sub-regional Local London Standard Framework setting out the level of service that residents should receive regardless of which borough they are in and their point of access.

The Standard Framework will continue to be developed with ongoing dialogue with boroughs, service managers and front-line staff, and embodied in the work of the Integration Hub.

Decorative - two women talking


The Listening Exercise report reflects upon the priorities identified in research published by City Hall and The Young Foundation and the similarities with findings from local stakeholder dialogue.

It outlines the primary observations and takeaways from the listening exercises, aligning the struggles of frontline workers with potential follow-up recommendations to address the obstacles to service delivery and ensuring the best possible access to services for residents.

Further rounds of listening exercises will take place annually to ensure the integration hub’s work supports frontline advisors across all nine boroughs in the Local London sub-region to achieve the same high quality of service for people looking for work or upskilling opportunities.

The team will be publishing resources to support frontline employment advisors, businesses and employers, and people looking for work and employment to help more people access the opportunities they are looking for.

Find out more

The Local London Integration Hub

No Wrong Door (NWD)

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