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Local London welcomes Cllr Okereke as its new Chair

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Cllr Anthony Okereke – Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich as Chair of Local London.

Cllr Anthony Okereke was unanimously voted in at the AGM in June.

Rotating the position every two years, Cllr Okereke succeeds Cllr Baroness O’Neill of Bexley OBE, after an outstanding tenure that notably saw the partnership grow to nine members.

Cllr Baroness O’Neill of Bexley OBE, has stepped into the Deputy Leadership role, supporting Cllr Okereke.

Headshot of Cllr Okereke

Cllr Anthony Okereke, Leader of RB of Greenwich and Chair of Local London said “I would like to thank Cllr Baroness O’Neill for her brilliant leadership and I look forward to working with all the members of Local London to continue to build on this partnership’s successes.

In addition to delivering programmes that are enhancing employment, skills and careers awareness across our sub-region to help people achieve financial independence and reach their potential we are looking holistically at unlocking growth in this part of London.

It’s through growth that we tackle poverty that we see in our sub-region.

Our diverse and dynamic sub-region has many challenges and opportunities that we can address collectively. These include devolution of funding for local growth, investment into digital and transport infrastructure and realising our vision for skills and employment. These are opportunities that we will drive forward together to the benefit of people and businesses in our brilliant boroughs.”

Sarah Murray, Director of Local London, added “Representing London’s leading edge, Local London is growing stronger as a partnership and delivering more for our boroughs and the people living here. With the invaluable backing of our boroughs’ Leaders and Mayors, we are building on our achievements year on year.

On behalf of the team, I would like to extend our thanks to Cllr Baroness O’Neill for her support over the past two years, and warmly welcome Cllr Okereke as Local London’s new Chair.”

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