Local London > What we do > Programmes


Local London manages major programmes on behalf of our nine member authorities which are worth around £91 million in total. These programmes address issues that are relevant to multiple boroughs and create economies of scale. They have either been devolved to Local London from the Government, GLA, or allocated to Local London following successful bids.

Local London is constantly monitoring opportunities and the needs of our sub-region to identify where future funding bids should be made.

  • Work and Health Programme Pioneer

    Launched on 13 September, Work and Health Programme Pioneer is latest phase of Universal Support. This £53 million Government-funded support provides specialist employment support for people in Wales, London and Southern Region who are looking for work. Local London Work and Health Programme Pioneer, is designed to provide support to…

  • Careers Hub

    We are thrilled to be working with over 95% of secondary schools across our sub-region and helping them enhance their Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programmes. Our Careers Hub team work with mainstream and special needs secondary schools, colleges and pupil referral units (PRU) to enhance careers…

  • Integration Hub

    What is the Local London Integration Hub?  As part of the Mayor of London’s ‘No Wrong Door’ initiative, Local London’s Integration Hub team bring together employment services, employers and residents looking for work, apprentice/traineeships or training opportunities. Our team work face-to-face with job centre staff and…

  • Digital investment programme

    Our digital investment programme puts cable connections into our public buildings to improve wi-fi connectivity.

  • Connect to Work

    Connect to Work is expected to help thousands of people across the country to find work. It will provide personal support, individually tailored to the specific needs of people on the programme with an emphasis on getting people into suitable work quickly. The programme will provide support to help people…

  • UKSPF People and Skills

    UKSPF People and Skills provides support to residents to find employment that works for them. The programme aims to reduce levels of economic inactivity through bespoke support tailored to local needs, and is delivered by employment brokerage services in each of our boroughs. The programme looks at boosting core skills…

  • SME E-business programme

    Local London’s E-business programme (no longer running) was so successful it has been extended across London. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can now get support through the LONDON E-Business Support Programme as of November 2024. Grown in our sub-region, the Local London E-business programme achieved impressive results, helping…

  • Works

    One of our portfolio of employment support, Local London Works (no longer running) supported unemployed and economically inactive residents into work. Funding ended in December 2023. People who have already started on the programme continue to be supported, however the programme is no longer taking on new starters. Local London…

  • JETS – Job Entry Targeted Scheme

    The JETS scheme (no longer running), which was part of the DWP Work and Health Programme started in mid-October 2020 as part of the Government response to the significant increase in unemployment due to the pandemic. Local London received £10M funding due to the huge increases in universal credit claims…